Friday, February 2

Second time lucky

This is my second effort at creating a Blog as I have been unable to get back into it again. So I have cut and pasted from the first into my second. Fingers cross the same thing doesn't happen again.

Mothers' day

Since my children started school I have been helping the PTA with their fund rasining efforts. At present we are in full Mothers' day bazaar mode. I know valentines day is first but that event seems to be not politically correct just now. We are very fortunate in this village that we have a great number of mums who have making skills, soap making, chocolate making, honey production, jewellery etc etc. Me, well my role is to design posters and memos to advertise the event. I also make little things which the children can buy for their mums on the day. Having been inspired by fellow craft bloggers I have been making little felt products which I intend to make into key rings and brooches which are colourful and sparkly

1 comment:

Debra said...

Oh they're wonderful! I did the same thing initially with the blog, (not being able to get back in, ha!!).... this time I'm posting it everywhere so as not to miss it, ha!!
Your blog is very interesting with great pics... it will go into my favourites and I will link it once I find out how to!!