Friday, May 4

don't you just hate sick kids

Hi. Just emerged from my sickbed and starting to feel human again (great to be able to breath again)
My wee boy has been poorly for the last week and after a couple of nights by his side with him coughing and sneezing into my face it was only time before I got the lurgy, and when I get a cold I get a cold. Spend a couple of days watching children's TV, wrapped up and letting the house descend into chaos. Woke up today and felt OK.

The problem is now my training for the big race has been destroyed and only two weeks to go. I now feel panicky about it - can I get my strength back.

I'm dressed to jog and off I go. I will do a proper blog tomorrow about something a bit more interesting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better! I 'ran' the Race for life a few years ago (pre children) and the atmosphere was amazing. I have just started my own little health kick and had jelly legs after a 20 minute cycle! Not good...