Saturday, April 14

wet saturday

Lying on my bed, aching all over. My daughter persuaded me to take part in the race for life this year. She pulled on my heart strings by reminding me my mother died of cancer 2 years ago. In my youth I used to be very sporty - some people hated school dinners - I hated cross country, so this is torture! (the body is willing but my mind screams at me WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!) Since having my little boy 6yrs ago I have never quite got my fitness back or lost the weight gained.
I have a month left before the big day. Not aiming to run the whole 5km - my aim is to get fitter. So two weeks of school holidays have been full on exercise - either jogging
or cycling each evening. I have lost half a stone and I can manage more and have discovered muscles I had lost touch with years ago.
Today I madly suggested we cycle to my daughters riding stables, only 4 miles away BUT it is all up hill. Got home lay down and went to sleep.

Weather changed this afternoon and the rain came down, and we are all having a lazy afternoon. Kids have built a den and are gossiping away next door, other half is watching the football and I am lounging on my bed with a cup of tea, laptop and sketchpad trying to come up with a new craft project. So far just doddle's on a page.


pupupidu said...

Lovely Designs! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Good for you with the fitness campaign. I'm starting to go for long beach walks to lose all the weight I've gained since immigrating here!! Wow half a stone in 2 weeks is great! Keep it up, from Debra in NZ

Julia said...

Hello Alison,
Great blog!I love your felty things.Thanks for the nice comment you left on mine.... also..I'm so happy to discover you've linked to me :-)